Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-08-29 04:48:34
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2021-08-29 08:33:02

I go by Sidonus in game...every game basically for the last decade + That said, hi, my name is Paul.

Which games are you focusing on?

-Well, I fell off the world when Destiny 1 came out. I couldn't stop playing, and ended up being a clan lead and raid lead for at least half the time in partner with my second in command. Destiny 2 came and I was ecstatic I could finally play Destiny on PC! I ..dunno what happened, but, I just lost interest after about the first raid. Now, after searching and playing many other MMO games and just being unsatisfied I realize Destiny and only Destiny fills that void for me, so, I am back! Besides Destiny though, I have...quite the gaming apetite and play nintendo switch as well. Currently I am playing a game called "Encased," which is basically a love letter to old school Fallout 1 and 2, and as an avid Warhammer 40,000 fan, I play a few times a week in co op campaigns in Dawn of War 2. Thats probably about it currently.

Some biographic information (e.g. professions, other hobbies, sports etc.)

-Hmm. Well, I am into...quite the spectrum of interests. I enjoy gaming of course, but also have long been vested in pursuit of knowledge in general, philosophy, religion and spirit science, archaeology, anthropology, and a little psychology. I have...a college degree in Psychology and worked for just under a decade for my local government authority mental health and mental retardation facilities. I was later diagnosed with Narcolepsy and have moderate disability in result. I work part time only now for phone app food delivery services like Door Dash or Waitr etc. This leaves me a good but of time to pursue things that actually interest me, including gaming a healthy amount. I like coffee...its more important than blood for a narcoleptic, and nicotine...I vape...but I'm not annoying about it promise. eh..politics...in so far as...I hate them...but, gaming is a nice space to get AWAY from that reality.

The reason why you would like to join Seismic

I like games like Destiny at least 50% in part due to the social aspects of an MMO type game. Coupled with my love for 40,000, and the fact that 40,000 is cursed to just make horrid shit games it seems, Destiny is about as close to my dream MMO experience...mainly...a sci fi one. My interest in MMO culture and the buzz resulting from it started with World of Warcraft and 40 man raiding when...I hadn't so much as played mario cart with other people before. It...is like a drug, a specific feeling of cooperation and eventually comradery that is just inexplicable unless you've experienced yourself. Every time I play a video game, somewhere in my mind, I am comparing it to that experience. I seek to recreate that feeling. You guys seem mature, no nonsense, and laid back all at once and thats definately attractive to me. I did once have a lot more energy than I do now, and, it would be nice to have others lead the way in things like raid mechanics etc while I listen and just do as I'm told. I'm tired, what can I say? Haha, but, I'm a serious gamer and I'm looking for the group experience. You...were near the top of the list...? Yes. Yes? /wink.

Are you free to play or have you bought expansions and/or the current season?

I am currently free to play mainly because I just redownloaded the game and I am trying to figure out....WTF...I should be focusing on and what expansions I NEED to purchase. Its...pretty confusing and a tad overwhelming logging in after barely playing the Osiris DLC and just now coming back. I need a bit of direction lol. I figure I will probably need to get at least Shadowkeep and Beyond Light which is fine. I MAY eventually grab a season pass as well or maybe a beyond light bundle.

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