Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-07-17 18:49:12
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2021-07-17 20:49:40

Hello, my name is Joseph (steam name: Pegasus Aurore),I am of the age of 23 and currently moved to Pennsylvania ( is a very nice place) but don’t have many friends in my area. I just recently moved from Xbox too PC and am looking to find other players who migrated over and squad up. I originally started gaming back in October 2008 when my gramma bought me a PS3 from them on I loved coming home from school to play any game at the time, I play so much that in November 22 I went to GameStop and bought myself a Xbox one console to see what I was missing out on ( I love Xbox) I play a lot of looter shooter games at that point and made a friend who told me about destiny I enjoyed that game a lot and he took me though some raids and nightfalls and the feeling I got was Amazing. After a few years I went ahead and built myself a pc (at the time It was end of high school, beginning of college) I started playing a variety of games and really felt the mouse and keyboard controls gave me much more freedom I just now decided to get into destiny 2 on PC and am loving the beginning grind and solstice of hero’s. I’ve recently been just focusing on destiny but always looking for other games out there recommend by others to pick up and grind with. I mainly play solo as my friends list is well… kinda empty and I’m looking to increase that. I’m interested in joining a clan to not only play the game but to meet new people and create a friendship I try to play every weekend and looking to learn the activity’s and crush those raids and seasonal activities with everyone, my hobbies I do a lot of out door biking and sports and enjoy going to theme parks with friends and family (I’m a rollercoaster fanatic). For a living I currently work a second shift job durring the week and working on finding a new position at the moment, along side of college classes to get my batches degree for computer science. I wish to take my education to the next level and find a job in it to start building up expierence. I was also thinking about starting to stream my gameplay to YouTube /Twitch at some point in the future, and always looking for other people to squad up and conquer the game. I want to join the clan as I feel like maybe I could start playing many activities like Trials and raids as I have very few friends and am looking to expand my friends list to play and complete activities and triumphs within the game. Also I’m looking into learning the activities so in the future I can help others complete them. Also I do own a Xbox one so I can create a account and link it to cross save if needed to be. I look forward for a reply back from you guys and hope that I can obtain a spot in the clan.I will end by saying I am a new light player and just purchased the deluxe edition of beyond light and I’m looking forward to by the same edition for witch queen upon release

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