Division Destiny 2

Application Status
Date Submitted
2020-06-10 12:04:04
Reviewd By
SG_Almighty Applin
Date Reviewed
2020-06-10 21:18:34

HEY THERE! I am an old player, dated waaay back when forsaken launched when the game is still pricey af and its not free. I used to play this game religiously but when Shadowkeep expansion came out, I completely stopped playing as studying became my priority in my life. I left my old clan as I felt that I would be useless in that clan if im inactive, and for now I am clanless. Am a happy go lucky kinda kid, maybe a bit on a quiet side. I am currently studying Programming and with the things that are happening in this world, it does not seems like I am going to partways with my pc in the nearest future. My hobbies are,gaming lolz. Destiny 2 used to be like the only game that I played until I upgraded my laptop to a desktop and that lets me to play much more games without worrying about performance.I am joining this clan cuz as you know, Destiny is a community game and it gets pretty boring if I play solo. I can't even do raids and trials without friends! (except if ur a madman or just gladd) . The reasons why I want to join Seismic is purely by coincidence. I was looking through lfg when i saw a post promoting this clan and here I am, shocked at how organized this clan are. You guys even have your own website, talk about premier! After looking through and made some research about this clan, I decided that it would be a good time to rejoin a clan and mostly have fun with you guys. I am in no way whatsoever a veteran nor a pro. I am just a normal player that wants to do raids and play the game with his friends, thats all. I am looking forward to making sweet memories with yall!(if i am accepted that is)

p.s (pardon my grammar error and shits guys, english is not my first language,although I am very fluent at it).

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