Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-06-25 11:58:24
Reviewd By
SG_TechniQue Devil
Date Reviewed
2019-06-25 13:24:54

I'm Ben, a 29 y.o. digital marketer from Manchester UK. I have played video games since I was about 4 ranging from single player to MMO, but looking to get into something more structured and serious and have over 230 hours in Siege. I've been in a clan previously during High School and into College (aged 14-19) on Counter Strike with inter-clan games and also taking part in online and LAN competitions. Loved being part of a clan, made games so much more enjoyable.

I do have some experience in ranked but due to not wanting to solo queue following very mixed experiences in ranked with a friend from work (who got me into Siege) - didn't enjoy limited/non-existent callouts from team members - I mainly play Casual, but get called 'sweaty' at times. Decent map knowledge and have recently been watching more and more pro league and Twitch streams in order to build up knowledge even further. Enjoy playing in a relaxed manner as well as serious. Happy to start from the bottom. Readily available during the evenings and weekends.

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