Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-06-11 02:56:53
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-06-11 14:06:31

My interests are obviously gaming for starters, talking about custom built computers and the technical side of putting one together and getting it started. I've always been lacking in hobbies but recently started riding my bicycle again after a long term injury finally showing sights of healing after recent surgery going to the gym and getting healthy. Sadly I currently don't work I haven't for about 3 years now because of a serious injury to my leg, long story short always put your feet under your knees when a baby is on your lap. But I used to work as a junior network assistant for a small youth centre, pay was terrible but it was the people that made it worth while. I'm a prideful person.

Currently I have a Siege clan tag of "AOD" for Angels of Death, which is the only clan I've ever been in which is sad that I left. However the past few week have been met with elitism in casual play, players rage quitting and blaming it on routers when teamspeak clearly stats when a connection is lost over disconnecting, officers getting annoyed when a different officer is approached so unfair warnings getting handed to people. Generally an atmosphere of dictatorship of skilled players looking down on those less skilled and I don't want to be in that anymore.

What I'm looking for is a community of people that help each other. Like if you have a bad game so you ask for advice you are given constructive criticism and not indirect remarks that you are terrible at X operator. I want to be in a community where it's not a dick measuring contest in casual play. I want to improve and maybe consider competitive play. With also UplayPlus becoming a thing in September I'd like to be in a community that has divisions for both Siege & Division 2.

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