Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-06-02 05:00:01
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-06-02 14:43:25

people in the online world call me Auna and I'm 25.
I'm a musician and work in the area of studio recording/mixing and composition with a lot of passion (although not at full time yet) and play in an rock/metal band.
My hobbies outside of music include some moderate gym and of course gaming on PC, both single player and multiplayer, mostly FPS and a few adventure-fantasy games like The Witcher, Elder Scrolls, etc.
I grew up with some of the more popular FPS's (BF, COD, Splinter Cell, PUBG, Apex Legends) but have never been that much into the competitive side of games, mostly because they lacked serious teamplay.
Rainbow Six Siege came to my world about two weeks ago and I immediatly fell in love with it, looking for ways to improve through Youtube and other players.
I want to join Seismic to learn the game better and have a good time with nice people who want to be competitive with a very teamplay-focused mindset and at the same take the game for what it is, a game we play for fun :)

Sorry about the long post, thank you, cheers!

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