Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-05-27 16:18:26
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-05-27 21:58:55


I'm a Finnish high school student, amateur writer/3d animator and competitive gamer. To get some background info out, sports and competition have always been a big part of my life, all the way through my childhood in wrestling to present day in MMA. Somewhere along the line I realised that I enjoyed competitive gaming just as much as martial arts, and so I tried out cs with my dad(who also was into both martial arts and competitive CS 1.6 in the late 1990s).

Later when CSGO came out, I gave it a try and landed in Global Elite after a few years of playing, participated in some lan tourneys with my buds but eventually went my own way to find other games to play. Well, I found League and took myself to high plat level(which took embarassingly long btw), eventually backing out thinking MOBAs are not my kind of a game in competitive sense.

Rainbow Six was on sale 2017 christmas and caught my eye. Bought it and headed into soloq ranked the instant I could, and with basically no map knowledge somehow getting gold 2 as my starting rank, managed with pure aim at the time. Some weeks later I started looking for a team and played with a few different ones, ranging from low plat to diamond. Well, at least my teammates. I could top frag and do well in scrims against all diamond semi pro teams, but according to my teammates played too much soloq to get my rank up :P Honestly though, the only reason Id care about my rank is the fact that teams like setting rank barriers in their application shite.. Well, I do understand where theyre coming from. No team wants to waste time trying out not very good players when the good ones are waiting to be found.

This is where you guys come in. I decided it's time for me to stop playing soloq and find a reliable place to find competitive players of my skill level to play ranked with and maybe try out for a team or two again, your Reddit post seemed to tick all the boxes I had set.

Very off topic, but some of my other favorite games are Osu(global rank 15 000), Stardew Valley, Sekiro, SFV(which I suck at), To The Moon, Undertale and Zelda BotW.

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