Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-29 18:24:03
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-29 18:30:31

Hey fellow gamers,

I'm a gaming veteran who is playing since 1992 and i am currently playing Siege for the 4th season now. Before that i was playing Diablo3 for over 2 years and before that alot of differetn genres so i am experienced so to say.

I am living in the Netherlands and like stretegic teamplays, but am currectly looking for people who want to try strats in a 3-5 stack because i am tired of solo-q and Toxic players.

My name has nothing to do with being toxic by the way.

I am a teamleader in RL and i would like to meet mroe players that know what teamplay is, so i was looking on reddit for a clan and i found you guys, so here i am hoping to make some friends.

Kind regards,
Robert a.k.a Toxic-Juicebox

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