Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-14 03:01:05
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-14 06:33:02

I am a chill, laid back guy who likes to game. I have good comms, and I'm a friendly gamer. I live in Canada, but I was born in Venezuela, and my family left when I was about 4. Due to this I can speak both English and Spanish (I'm a little better on the English though). My main interest is video games (like Siege), but I also did Martial Arts (TaeKwonDo), and I volunteer at a youth centre. I'm a techy guy and love computers and planning to enter computer engineering in Uni. I love siege and I want to be a part of an active team that wants to play strategically and rank up, and I feel that Seismic is the best place for this.

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