Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-10 00:29:14
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-10 00:54:09

I'm a 21-year-old Siege player from Tennessee, USA. I mostly play on weekends due to a full-time job in insurance. I have a degree in English Professional Writing, and I love reading and writing. I'm interested in joining Seismic if they have a commitment to discouraging and taking action against harassment. I left my previous clan because of frequent usage of homophobic and racist slurs by the head of the clan. Being gay, it's difficult feeling like I'm valued in most gaming communities because they have historically been so toxic toward minorities, and I'm hoping that this is the kind of place where I can be valued for my skill instead of who I am as a person. I am kind, understanding, and I'm gaming to win and learn how to win even better.

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