Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-01-21 22:01:10
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-01-22 18:45:20

I'm known as glassofninjas in the gaming world and I live in the UK. I've been gaming since I was young and it's been a massive passion of mine since, yet I've only just begun to get into the competitive side of things. I listen to loads of music, as I study Musical Theatre at a performing arts college and love music in general. I am almost always gaming, whether it be with friends or by myself, and that's one of the very reasons I want to join Seismic, is so I can be a part of a competitive, friendly environment which allows me to be myself and make new friends who will be there to practise and to train with and just have a great time :)

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