Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-03-17 12:56:52
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-03-17 13:40:50

I'm a 18 year old male from Sweden, I used to play alot of Rainbow Six with Seismic Gaming but then I got inactive and started playing other games, altough now I'm getting back to Rainbow Six and it went good for some games and I want a team to play with and improve, right now I'm going to school and studying techics and more specifically programming and computer science. I mostly play when I don't have any homework to do, and on weekends I'm with my girlfriend, I also hang with her in weeks too but not that often since both of us are pretty busy most of the time. I mostly play Rocket League right now and I'm top 8% in the game. But as I said earlier, I want to get into Rainbow Six again.

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