Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2021-05-05 12:36:39
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2021-05-05 18:01:36

Hello there,
My name is Tyler, I'm 29 and from Oregon. I just built my PC about a year ago and have since then spent the majority of my free time usually gaming when I'm not spending time with my wife or our 3 year old son. Siege was one of the first games I bought for my PC because in the time leading up to building it I was playing on the Xbox but never got very far (Like level 35 I think). I'm submitting my application to join this community for a couple of reasons; 1) None of my friends play Siege so I end up solo queueing a lot (Unranked) 2) When you solo queue you usually end up with toxic teammates who don't communicate and TK people, which really ruins the whole game for me. I don't buy into that toxic attitude and I've never TK'd a teammate on purpose.

I would say I have other hobbies but that would be somewhat of a lie. Free time for me is usually in short supply with a full time job and a kid, so usually when I have time I end up on my PC to play Siege, RDR2, Control, Phasmophobia or whatever else. Siege most often though. I can be awkward as hell because I have some sweet sweet social anxiety but once I get comfortable with people its a lot easier for me to relax and joke around.

Overall I'm looking to join this community to hopefully find people I'm comfortable with, stack up and finally get into some Ranked games. Let me know if you think I would be a good fit, or if I'm gonna have to start a rival community.

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