Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2020-10-25 22:24:50
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-10-25 22:32:32

Hello, my name is Alex, I'm 19, and am from the US. I've been in video games from a very young age. From Zelda to Mario, to CoD. I believe my first instance was New Super Mario Bros on the original DS. I started Rainbow 6 around the end of 2018(Wind Bastion I think). I started on Xbox but gradually transitioned to PC. I watched a lot of pro league, TSM and G2, mostly. I'm not very good at the game, I float between Silver and Copper. I'm hoping to find friends within your clan as well as teammates to help me understand and obtain a better understanding of the game.

Thank you for the opportunity, and look forward to your answer! :D

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