Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2020-05-28 21:34:27
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-05-29 12:06:33

Greetings, I am NtU and I am from the US state of New Jersey. My primary games are Rainbow Six Siege, Overwatch, and Valorant, with a bit of CSGO experience. I have been playing competitively in all of these games for a long time and have transitioned to casting and coaching in all 3 (right now, I'm mainly focused on coaching a Valorant team). I'm a musician and a mountain biker outside of gaming and I'm not afraid to talk you to death over history or geography. I've always told my players and teammates that being part of a community and improving together will help way more that only solo queuing, so I've dabbled In many gaming communities over the years. I have heard great things about Seismic gaming and I can't wait to play with yall.

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