Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-12-30 09:26:39
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-12-30 09:56:02

Hi! I am a 39 year old gamer with a partner and in total 4 kids. I have 2 daughters and my partner has a son and a daughter. Her kids live with us permanently and my daughters visit every other weekend.

I have a job in IT as enterprise architect. My hobbies include playng guitar, shooting fire arms, listening to music (getting more diverse as i grow older ;) ) and of course gaming.
I used to be a competitive raider in WoW in a guild that performed pretty nice up to Cataclysm, Back in the day I used to play a lot of counter strike and unreal tournament too.

Because of my stepson I got into rainbow six sieze, which I really like to play. But I like to play a bit more coordinated than what is possible with random people.
I still suck donkeyballs though so I am mainly looking for casual people to play with and get better together.

I also play with my stepson still, but in addition to that it would be great to play with mature and older people than his 15 year old friends. Because although I enjoy myself, that is not my crowd ;)
I found Seismic on lookingforclan and the description matches what I am looking for!
What I bring to the table is an easygoing witty person that has a passion for playing and having fun together and getting better together while doing it.

Hope to hear from you guys!!
If there is anything else you'd like to know, please let me know!


Walther Goossens

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