Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-11-13 22:48:25
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-11-13 23:46:47


I'm Lucas, I am an Argentinian living in Europe. I am a big FPS fan and have experience in classical FPS. I started playing CS and Alliance of Valient Arms (AVA) where I used to play tournaments but nothing pro, just ESL and latonamerican online tournaments. I then switched to CSGO which I played for several years, and I reached Supreme. I stopped playing for a year and came back and ended in LE. I really didn't like the changes from last year so I changed to Siege two months ago. I changed mainly because I was looking more non-conventional strategy as is my favourite part instead of just shooting. I have am gold 3 rn, and have been playing competitive (soloQ) since I could. I love the seriousness and strategy making of competitive compared to casual, although I sometimes go casual to chill. But my biggest interest joining SG will be finding teammates for competitive and get more tactical and strategical gameplay.

About me outside the pc. I am a master student and I work at a think tank in the Netherlands. I love rugby (used to play for years) and cooking. I am very interested in politics and strategy studies so naturally k like history and history memes... And as I said, I want to join to find teammates to play regularly, make some friends and abandon the monotony of soloQ. (I also know some German so practiceing some German it's also an interest)

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