Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-07-31 10:34:07
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-08-01 13:55:56

Hi, I was a console player until a month ago. LVL 154 on Xbox. I made the swap to PC after my mates got bored of R6 on console and moved on. I wasnt done with R6 so thorght I would move to PC and start a fresh. Currently LVL 33 on PC. Not played any rank games yet as I only just unlocked it and want to start taking it seriously. On Xbox I was a support player but since moving to PC my aim has massively improved an I am now taking on more agressive rols. I can clutch if I have to but prefer to work along side another opperator to secure the win.

I have fantastic map and opperator knowledge from my time on xbox. The SAS opperators are my comfort picks. I also follow the Pro League religuously supporting G2.

Wanting to join your team as I find myself doing all the work in solo que. Often with 7+ kills and the rest of my team scraping 1 or 2. Far too often I am waiting by Garage wall as Thatcher whilst Thermite is getting spawn peaked in the wrong side of the map (if you get where I am coming from). Looking for a team I can gell with and possibly take to a higher level.

Any other questions let me know. Thanks for your time.

Also my name / gamertag is coppied from xbox, looking to change it at some point but since I have been playing solo not bothered

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