Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-07-20 00:30:56
Reviewd By
SG_TechniQue Devil
Date Reviewed
2019-07-20 01:04:16

Hey I'm Andy or Krontyx.
About me - ex-army in the UK, from Wales. I currently work with ex-offenders who are fresh out of prison. (Its actually a really interesting job)
I play guitar and play loads of different games, but siege mostly.
Enjoy having a laugh when playing games, i find it hard to stay serious unless its ranked.
Downside is a swear like a trooper....
I wanted to join Seismic due to being clan-less and it would give good to meet/play with people who aren't salty if we lose etc.
Also due to the size of the clan, was hoping to see if there would be people to play with who can help me improve how i play and well just be a part of a clan...
Hmmm Thanks for reading?

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