Division Rainbow Six: Siege

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-07-04 18:02:30
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-07-04 22:14:15

Hey, so I grew up in the UK, moved to the states about a year ago now so that's been fun. Been seeing the posts on reddit a couple times and it seems like a fun and active community, so that along with the chance to play in a more competitive environment is why I'm applying now.

Game wise been playing since white noise on console, then went over to pc for parabellum. Been a fairly consistent high gold to plat player, but feel like i've plateaued as a solo queue so looking for something more now.

Outside of the game I'm a big sports guy, rugby was and always will be my first love, so pumped for the world cup this year. Football (both kinds) are close behind, Panthers and United being my teams. other than that you know its the usual, bit of gym, some reading I'm a bartender at the moment sbut looking to go into finance eventually.

So yeah, that's me

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