Division Diablo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-05-26 17:50:43
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-05-26 18:26:08

Hi, my name is Alex. I go by Xelache or Shadowshox in the 'gaming realm'.
I'm interested in quite different things, including mechanical engineering, classical music, and of course, gaming.
As for hobbies/activities, I enjoy playing Ice Hockey, and multiple downhill sports including DH Longboarding, Skiing, and Snowboarding.
I'm currently a student.
I'd like to join Seismic as I've never really been in group play in Warframe, and doing so will allow me to access a much more diverse aspect of Warframe.
In Warframe, I'm sitting at MR17, and I've gotten to the point where there isn't 'much to do'.
I'd like to get into a small community where I can enjoy the game with others.

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