Division Diablo

Application Status
Date Submitted
2019-02-06 17:33:57
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2019-02-06 17:44:49

Heya, Stuart here! I'm a second year medical student out here in the Netherlands. I'm an Aussie but I've been living out here in Holland for about 13-14 years. Most of my time is spent studying, lifting, playing guitar and gaming these days. Ever since my mom got me a Game boy Advance with Pokemon Ruby at age 3 I've been in love with gaming. For a while my busy schedule prevented me from being as enraptured by gaming as before, but lately Warframe has rekindled the love for me. I've only got 30 hours in it so far but I've really been enjoying it. Joining a clan seemed like a great way to further increase my enjoyment with the game. Joining a highly social clan like Seismic seemed so appealing to me as all my gaming friends from back in high school have moved on. Also, our schedules are so different that we simply can't play together anymore. Therefore, I haven't had a fun social group to play with for a while and I must admit I miss it. I'm hoping Seismic will fill the void. So, here's to us having lots of fun banter, stressful missions and chill sessions together!

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