Hello Seismic Gaming, I am Dean "distance" Joanidhi and I am an experienced CS:GO Player.
I currently reside in Greece where I study Computer Science, something that I love. I am a self-motivated and self-disciplined person trying to do his best on his project.
It is worth mentioning that I am a perfectionist and I try to make everything perfect in order to receive the best result possible. I spend my time learning coding languages and trying to become a better person in general (I believe that knowledge is one's strongest weapon).
One could ask why would you like to join Seismic Gaming?
The answer is really simple. I try to find a family where I can spend hours and try to improve as a team. I am a team player and a solo-queuer. Teamwork is something I base my whole life on as I have taken part in many teams before and I would love to do so now.
I would love to have the opportunity to play in a big community like yours and who knows maybe continue on a competitive level as well!
Thanks for reading!