Division CS:GO

Application Status
Transfer Accepted
Date Submitted
2020-03-26 00:04:39
Reviewd By
Date Reviewed
2020-03-26 13:41:31

I'm Jessica, 21 years old and from Belgium. I can be quite competitive but mostly a massive goofball. I'm fairly impatient and impulsive which often leads to some silly and funny moments. Always looking for people to play with, regularly lonely and bored so having a good community I can just hop into and play with will do me good.

I've played R6: Siege basically since the start but I quit in Operation Chimera and started again in Shifting Tides. I enjoy the game casually the most though, messing around with some friends having a laugh is what I'm after. I often get harassment for being a girl which is why I don't play alone anymore, so I hope the community is friendly and nice because that is really what I need right now.

Outside of gaming, I enjoy Photography, Petting cats and hanging out with friends. I have a girlfriend, I spent a lot of time with her and she takes priority over my gaming habit so I won't be online for a few days every week.

Hopefully, this is enough information, you can always ask me for more!
Jessica "MunchkinGirl" H.

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